About the game and its development conditions
Drivinity is a racing game with a theme mexing ancient egypt with futuristic hover racing. The game is built with a custom engine made by the team’s programmers in a custom engine in conjunction with Unity as a scene editor.
The project saw me in the roles of narrative designer, SFX design, and composer.
My role and contributions
Narrative Design
My role as narrative designer was to provide context for the premise of gods competing with each other by racing. Most of this was conveyed through the vehicle and level assets which artists created in collaboration with my designs.
The game’s initial concept had opportunities for flavor text blurbs, and in general more instances during menus where the world of the game would have been expanded upon, but due to time restraints these were mostly cut.
For instance, the game was initially planned to have different pantheons facing off against each other (gods inspired by egyptian, norse and hindu).
SFX Design
Beyond very basic free library assets, this was the first project where I attempted to create my own sounds for the majority of the game.
My main tools for creating SFX assets were Audacity and my M-Audio Keystation. Some free assets were used after mixing and editing them, also using Audacity.
As part of the project goal was for programmers to use a custom engine developed by them, my interactions with FMOD and Unity was for the most part done with a programmer walking me through and helping me achieve the intended effect and design.
An intent for the project was to have one original track composed by me. Inspired by the composer of the concurrent God of War release, I had the intent of using instruments which evoked the feeling of ancient egypt. At the same time, I was inspired by the soundtrack of Ridge Racer games to add a “mellow” facet to the identity of the player experience.
Using Ableton and an M-Audio Keystation I both composed and mixed the one music track present in the final product’s level. Important to note is that a free-to-use music track was used for the menu and some of the trailers.
The track I composed for Drivinity:
Tools and skills used
Tool: Unity/LUX Engine
Tool: JIRA
Tool: FMod
Tool: Ableton
Tool: Audacity
Skill: Composing
Skill: Writing