As the main personal goal during development, my focus laid in gaining a grasp of C#.
Throughout the course of the project, I used my learnings and insight in C# to achieve:
A system for procedurally generating Metroidvania-style levels.
Save/Load systems for player settings and player progress retention between levels.
Player progression systems (upgrades, currencies, equipment, skills).
Other various code (for example related to audio playback, timers, UI elements, etc.).
ASORA (A Series of Rude Awakenings) is a small-team effort developed towards the end of my game design studies. It was planned and executed with the express goal of being used as a springboard for learning Unity and increasing techincal design skills of the team members.
Below are some of my notable contributions and attained skills from the development period.
Another of my responsibilities was player and menu UI. For these tasks I gathered/created the 2D assets, set up the UI elements in Unity UI, and wrote the code. Some of the UI features include:
Audio settings.
Merchant dialogue event.
Pause menu.
Player UI (Resource bars, progression-related info, etc.).
In-game UI elements like the level bonus timer.
Tools used during development of ASORA:
Visual Studio
Microsoft suite of documentation tools